
Showing posts from January, 2024

It is NOT OK!

  There is a time when good-hearted, mature, responsible people need to clearly say, “It’s NOT OK!”  There is a time when “adults in the room” need to stand-up and say that is enough.  It has become very clear that 2024 is a time when caring people need to lovingly and firmly say to everybody that what is taking place in the world is definitely NOT OK! It is NOT OK that so-called leaders around the world continue to choose violent solutions.  It is NOT OK that wars, mostly grounded in greed, continue to rage.  It is NOT OK that countless children and innocent people have their lives permanently altered and destroyed.  It is NOT OK that many people continue to support political candidates who need to step aside for the “good of the country.”  (There is a phrase that has not been genuinely practiced in a loooong time).  It is NOT OK that deceiving charlatans and “spin” masters constantly muddle the truth.  Anything for ratings and clicks!  It is NOT OK that many are trapped thinking it i