
The Wind. Pay Attention:) Happy New Year!!

God is present.  God is presence.  God is in all things, around all things, and beyond all things.  God is alive, awake, active and moving…all of the time.  God is actually the most real reality there is.  We just can not fully comprehend, contain, or categorize God.  We are limited beings.  God is not.  So we often miss the presence of a loving unlimited God always around us, because we desire to understand God in our limited capacity. Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council.  He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”  Jesus replied… “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:1,2,8 NIV) Like many of us, Nicodemus wanted to ...

The End

The End.  Many of us do not like endings.  It is hard to say goodbye.  We want to know what happens in the end, but we are not comfortable with things being over.  Is it a happy or not so happy ending?  What does the end even look like?  Do we move on to something else?  Or do we move into nothingness?  Is nothingness possible?  That doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun, so let's just keep going as we are, don't you think?  However, last I checked, going as we are is definitely not one of the options that we have.  Everything changes.  Nothing stays the same.  Why?! Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life…  And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations…  There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a ...

Wild Time

  “It’s the holidays, Let’s get wild!”  Generally this is not a message heard from a church pulpit.  Preachers usually choose other subjects.  Forgiveness, peace, trust, and reconciliation are topics often heard.  Moreover, most people do not associate going to church with “wildness.”  Church potlucks and picnics are meant to be fun but ideally don't go off the rails.  The choir may rattle the rafters at times but preferably refrain from getting too out of control.  Going nutty at church is hopefully only when people add some toppings to their ice cream.  On the contrary, getting "wild" for most, means going a little crazy.  Some like to bounce around the mosh pit at a concert.  Others want to scream their lungs out at a football game.  Wildness is also not associated with preparing for Christmas.  The holidays are supposed to be filled with peace, warmth and love.  People are to prepare for Christmas by hanging ligh...


Every afternoon on the fourth Thursday in November I find myself in the same place.  I sit in my lazy-boy chair at home filled with turkey and stuffing, watching football.  As I doze off into a deep sleep I wonder, "Is this what it means to be thankful?" Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.. (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 NIV) Giving thanks is one of the most important disciplines for our spiritual growth.  However, thankfulness is not just about saying thank you when good things come our way.  It is also not about avoiding unpleasantness or realizing that there is someone out there who has it worse.  Giving thanks is not just learning how to put on a happy face.  Thanksgiving is an avenue to learn more about what is truly important in life.  It is a way of living rather than a state of being.   I try to start my prayers every evening with at least five thanksgiv...


  It is interesting to watch how people drive.  What goes through our minds as we motor along?  Many things definitely impact our driving habits.  Our hopeful destinations influence how we move from place to place.  Are we out to buy urgent supplies or are we enjoying a random adventure?  Our journeys are also shaped by how we view other drivers.  Do we see them as fellow seekers or as competitors getting in our way?  Our perception of time affects us as well.  Do we have the need for speed or is getting somewhere safely of paramount importance?  Finally, our knowledge, familiarity, and comfort with each path is essential.  Have we been down this road before? Knowledge and awareness in life are crucial. Do politicians stay focused on integrity and serving people, or are they motivated by looking good, winning arguments, and getting re-elected?  Do church leaders center their activities on sharing the good news and discerning ...


  Everyone wants to be someone else at least sometimes.  Halloween is a great time when we can dress up, act like someone else, and hide behind make-up or a mask.  Possibly we want to impress someone with a fancy costume?  Perhaps we want to scare the socks off of someone we owe?  Maybe we want to express a part of our personality that we otherwise like to keep hidden?  Armchair psychologists apply here please:) All hallows eve precedes all hallows day, or all saints day.  Sadly our culture focuses too much on the fun celebration of Halloween.  We tend to neglect the important  aspect of remembering the great saints who have gone before.  Don’t get me wrong, Halloween is a blast. In fact I would guess that many of the saints are thrilled that we enjoy ourselves every October 31st.  It is sad not because we have fun, but because we may miss many great lessons that the saints can teach us.  There is little honest reflection on wh...

What do you want?

  “What do you want me to do for you?” asked Jesus of blind Bartimaeus in Mark chapter 10.  Bartimaeus responded, “My teacher let me see again.”  What would you ask for if Jesus asked you the same question?  If you could have one wish granted by Jesus what would it be?  Would it be for money?  Would it be for fame?  Would it be to be forever young?  Perhaps it would be that your team would  win a World Series or Super Bowl?  One famous wish was that of George Bailey in “it’s a Wonderful life.”  He wished that he had never been born.  He was then shown how special he was.  What would you like Jesus to do for you?  My guess is that most people would respond that they want something healed in their lives, either physical or emotional.  “Lord if you could just fix this in my life, then all would be okay.”  Some I think would wish to see a loved one just one more time. Of course I reflect on this because of Jes...