

The Bible is a window to the living God.  Each book, chapter and passage can be thought of as a beautiful stained glass illumination of the divine/ human relationship. The Bible is not God.  It is a lens through which to engage God.  The Holy Spirit inspires every letter that is written and read.  Yet each word is penned by a human hand.  God is alive in the text.  However, the moment we reduce God to words we are limiting the limitless.  Both of these realities can be true at the same time.  It takes inspired wisdom to rejoice in how the Holy Spirit teaches us through the beautiful windows of the Bible.

God is always reaching out in love to us first.  The Bible was written, edited, expanded, and redacted by many different people over many centuries.  Thus, it is open to human misunderstanding and even error.  However, knowing this should not lead us to dismiss or discount what is written in Holy Scripture.  On the contrary, beneath every word, every pen stroke, and every typed letter is a living beating heart.  A seeking, human heart that has been touched, and yearns to be touched even more deeply, by the grace of God.  The Bible is a spiritual present to all who honestly engage it.  It can be a blessed tool in the hand of God to constantly shape each of us.

The Torah, Tanakh, Old Testament, Hebrew scriptures, Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, Revelation, New Testament, etc. all make-up the diverse ways to describe the library of Holy Scripture.  The scriptures contain historical narrative, prophecy, psalms, poetry, miracles, parables, teachings, letters, apocalyptic images, and theological musings.  One needs to know what they are reading to sift out deeper meaning.  We should not read the gospels through the same lens we read prophecy or apocalyptic literature.  A good way to approach scripture is to think of it like looking at different paintings done by various artists.  We need to appreciate the differences between a Rembrandt and a Picasso, a Monet and a Dali.  They each offer unique gifts and points of view, while at the same time were guided by a deep creative spirit.  This is not to say that scripture is exactly like paintings.  However, using this analogy can helpfully highlight the uniqueness of each Biblical composition.  All artistic hearts beat to understand and express the great Creator.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV)

In seminary students are taught ways to critique Holy Scripture.  Not to negatively criticize the stories and authors, but rather to draw out meaning.  Form, text, source, canonical, and various other types of criticism are applied to a passage, chapter or book.  There are healthy and unhealthy ways to connect with Holy Scripture.  The unhealthy way is to use the Bible as a weapon.  We would all do well not to selectively look for verses to support our arguments and narrow perspectives.  The healthy way to connect with scripture is to openly and honestly engage the text, letting it teach us.  Let our minds be challenged, stretched, and illuminated by it. This is enhanced upon realizing when and in what context specific books or letters were written, and how they came to be canonical.  It is always important to keep in balance the truth that Holy Scripture was inspired by God, while being written by human beings in particular contexts.

This understanding actually beautifies and brings to life the Bible.  It makes it more real.  The Holy Spirit is in the midst of the whole encounter.  God is in the event or theophony that took place.  The Holy Spirit is in the hearts and minds of those reflecting on the God event.  The Holy Spirit is in the writing and editing process as the author strives to give proper and full meaning.  God is in the sharing of the texts as individuals and communities debate and reflect on them.  Finally, the Holy Spirit is in the heart of readers when the texts are honestly engaged.  Pay attention to what stands out when reading the Bible.  That is where God is screaming, “Pay attention!”

The Bible has fed many people throughout the centuries.  It has been passionately debated, and yet continues to edify. Yes, there are great teachings in the Bible.  Yes, there are incredible stories grounded in historical events.  Yes, there is profound poetry that continually inspires song.  Yes, there is deep intellectual theology.  Understand it as much as possible, but above all engage it.  Engage it with heart, soul, and mind.  Open the blinds and take a closer look at the beautiful windows of the Bible again and again.  It provides light and warmth from the living God.

Today is God’s Present!

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