What do you want?
“What do you want me to do for you?” asked Jesus of blind Bartimaeus in Mark chapter 10. Bartimaeus responded, “My teacher let me see again.” What would you ask for if Jesus asked you the same question? If you could have one wish granted by Jesus what would it be? Would it be for money? Would it be for fame? Would it be to be forever young? Perhaps it would be that your team would win a World Series or Super Bowl? One famous wish was that of George Bailey in “it’s a Wonderful life.” He wished that he had never been born. He was then shown how special he was. What would you like Jesus to do for you? My guess is that most people would respond that they want something healed in their lives, either physical or emotional. “Lord if you could just fix this in my life, then all would be okay.” Some I think would wish to see a loved one just one more time. Of course I reflect on this because of Jes...