Just Right!

The trees explode with rich colors as Autumn begins.  October is what I call “Goldilocks” weather.  It is not too hot, not too cold, but JUST RIGHT.  There is nothing better than a nice Fall walk through the woods.  The air is crisp and cool.  Fallen leaves form a beautiful carpet that crunches beneath our feet as we trod down some majestic path.

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.  (Romans 1:20 NIV)

In his letter to the Romans, Saint Paul explained that God’s power can be seen in creation.  He pointed out that no one has an excuse to not know the Lord through what we observe.  Paul begged us to open our eyes and soak in God’s wisdom.  Sadly, in our day and age, we can get lost in arguments over creation versus evolution, both of which are actually true at the same time.  It seems more absurd to believe that the universe is just some cosmic accident, as opposed to trusting that God guides an intelligent design.  There is just too much balance, brilliance, and purpose to everything.  We, sometimes, forget to simply give thanks to God for the beauty painted right in front of our eyes.  Awe and wonder are all around us all the time, every day!  Let us learn anew to celebrate each brush stroke of our Divine Creator.   

Paul also pointed to the truth that we are called not to completely understand creation, but to learn from it.  There is a difference.  The desire for the former is rooted in the vain ambition for control.  While the latter is grounded in the humility of exploration and stewardship.  Some will say that nature is not perfect and thus can not totally be from the hand of God.  However, isn’t it a tad bit (or extremely) arrogant of us to think we have a better understanding of perfection than God?  Perhaps nature is exactly the way God intends it to be right now?  In any case, God is the professor of this grand classroom we call the universe, not us.  We are simply blessed when we realize our role as students to observe, learn, and appreciate.  Creation is arguably God’s greatest ongoing miracle. Do we pay attention to the beauty all around us?  Do we give thanks to God for that beauty?  Rejoice with the Master Creator who prepares all things to be JUST RIGHT.

Today is God’s Present!

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