

Maybe you are like me?  I like spontaneity, but only when I am in charge.  I enjoy doing yard work, but I hate having to do yard work.  I like driving, except when other people get in my way.  Everyday would be perfect, but sadly unforeseen events keep interrupting.  I just can't understand why everybody does not agree with all of my well thought out opinions.  I wish my pets would take care of themselves.  I wish others would do my laundry.  I wish I had more time for what I want to do.  I would find more time for God, if I could…  Life happens.  Life is crazy!  What is your anchor in life?  What is most important to you?

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. (Mark 1:35 NIV)

The gospels point out numerous times that Jesus highly valued his prayer life.  In fact he valued it so much that he would go out of his way to make it happen.  At the start of his healing ministry, Jesus woke-up before the crack of dawn to go pray.  He could have gotten extra rest and slept more.  On another occasion, after feeding the five thousand, he sent everyone away so he could go up a mountain and pray.  He could have celebrated this amazing miracle with others.  Finally, the night before he knows he will be crucified, Jesus famously prays, "Father, take this cup from me.  But not my will but thy will be done."  He could have run away.  Let's be clear.  There is nothing wrong with getting more rest, celebrating great events, and protecting one's life.  However, Jesus always knew that the most important thing is an eternal relationship with God.  Everything else has to fit around that…  Life happens.  Life is crazy!  What is your anchor in life?  What is most important to you?

Dancers amaze me.  I am completely awed by their ability to spin numerous times without falling or winding up in a hospital.  A dancer once told me the secret.  They call it spotting.  Every time they spin around, they find the same spot to look at in order to center their balance.  Thus, they can keep spinning and spinning and spinning, without going out of control.  In a similar way, our spiritual life needs a focus.  Many talk about having a "Rule of Life" or "Spiritual Anchor."  It is a way to keep from flying out of control.  Different people may have different anchors.  Individuals should take into account their own personalities and natural ways to connect with God.  You may be a morning person or a night owl.  Maybe you like specific times or not.  Perhaps you like to write or find peace in nature.  A spiritual rule of life should never become a burden.  In fact a spiritual anchor is very freeing.  It flows from a deep desire to connect with God and is thus extremely life giving.  However, it does take discipline and intentionality to maintain.  Common anchors include: daily prayer, bible reading, journaling, nature walks, body relaxation, meditation, listening to relaxing or inspirational music, quiet times, etc.  Find your own unique rule of life.  It is an invitation to value your eternal relationship with God above all else!

Today is God’s present!

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