

It is interesting to watch how people drive.  What goes through our minds as we motor along?  Many things definitely impact our driving habits.  Our hopeful destinations influence how we move from place to place.  Are we out to buy urgent supplies or are we enjoying a random adventure?  Our journeys are also shaped by how we view other drivers.  Do we see them as fellow seekers or as competitors getting in our way?  Our perception of time affects us as well.  Do we have the need for speed or is getting somewhere safely of paramount importance?  Finally, our knowledge, familiarity, and comfort with each path is essential.  Have we been down this road before?

Knowledge and awareness in life are crucial. Do politicians stay focused on integrity and serving people, or are they motivated by looking good, winning arguments, and getting re-elected?  Do church leaders center their activities on sharing the good news and discerning God’s will, or are they more concerned with successful capital campaigns, preserving pretty buildings, and enhancing their own pension fund?  Do business entrepreneurs desire to develop needed and helpful products for the betterment of everyone, or are they striving only for fame, fortune and glory?  It is easy to get lost and rationalize ourselves down deep, dark holes.  Being re-elected, building pretty churches, and a little fortune and glory are not horrible outcomes as long as they do not become the focus at the expense of service, integrity, and the good news.  If we maintain proper focus striving for healthy ideals, then positive outcomes will naturally follow.  It is always important to examine why we do what we do.

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.  For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.” (1 Corinthians 1:18,19 NIV)

Focus is also crucial for our spiritual life.  Saint Paul writes about the cross.  That it seems foolish to the world.  What does that mean?  Many teachings of Christ have been hijacked or abused throughout the centuries.  Sometimes there are many layers of misuse and misinformation that one needs to dig through.  The phrase, “wisdom of the cross,” probably fits into this category.  Simply put, “the wisdom of the cross,” is to strive to make the sacrificial love of Christ our focus, which is worldly foolishness.  Sacrifice and love are two of the most powerful guiding forces in life.  We intuitively know this to be true.  However, we are easily distracted by what the world values.  We may easily be deceived that sacrificing in love for others is just ludicrous insanity.

The sad wisdom of the world is selfishness.  The foolishness of the cross is sacrifice.  The sad wisdom of the world is greed.  The foolishness of the cross is giving.  The sad wisdom of the world is revenge.  The foolishness of the cross is forgiveness.  The sad wisdom of the world is power.  The foolishness of the cross is humility.  All conflicts between human beings are grounded in focusing on worldly wisdom.  All healing starts with someone taking the chance to look foolish and focus on the cross of Christ.  The greatest journey in life is following God’s constant invitation to move from a self-centered to a Christ-centered life.  What is your focus, fool?:)

Today is God’s Present!

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