
We the people…We have a problem.  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  There is a time when each of us needs to grab a mirror and do some serious self-reflection and self-examination.  Generally speaking, if someone or something gets our blood boiling and so passionately riles us up, then it is actually an invitation for self growth.  We may or may not be correct in our assessment about that someone or something.  However, if that person or thing drives us so crazy that we go nuts when we even think about it, then it is a clear call for us to shine some light into our own darkness.  There are people on many sides of all spectrums taking advantage of we the people.  If we think this talk show host, that podcaster or a certain politician is going to solve all of our problems, then think again.  Generally speaking the focus is not on intelligent discussion and resolution but on manipulating you and me to keep watching.  The only people who can stop others from exploiting us, are us!

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." (Matthew 10: 16 NIV)

Jesus sent his disciples out into the world with a message and a mission.  The message was that the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.  God’s love is always at hand, dare to reach out.  The mission was to heal and to call out evil.  God’s love is always for the taking, dare to grab ahold.  Notice that a good leader always points to a positive, healthy and caring message that is bigger than any one person.  It is something that builds up and doesn’t tear down, even enemies.  If another does not desire to receive God’s message, then we are to brush it off and move forward.  Don’t worry, God’s justice will prevail.  Once again, the message of God’s love is always most important.  Nothing is to detract from it.  Even our pursuit of or trying to protect our precious “American Dream.”

Jesus also sent his disciples out with a warning.  He knew that his beloved followers would encounter hardship and opposition.  In the face of such hardships we can get lost.  We may lose track of why we are doing what we are doing.  It is easy to become defensive, angry, and even vengeful.  Jesus knew this.  It takes a wise and innocent person to stay prayerfully focused on God’s message and mission.  There are many tempting off ramps that actually wind-up damaging the message and hurting the well intentioned messengers.  There are many enticing and competing movements and leaders.  Some are political.  Some revolve around an issue.  They may initially be more attractive.  They may even seem to offer the best solutions for us, but they really don’t.  They are never to take precedence over God’s movement of love.  If a leader or movement has a message that is exclusive in nature rather than inclusive, then it is a false message.  If a leader or movement promises easy comfort rather than purposeful challenge, then it is a false message.  If a leader or movement focuses more on retribution rather than forgiveness, then it is a false message.  If a leader or movement focuses on winning at all costs rather than impartial justice, then it is a false message.   If a leader or a movement promotes selfishness rather than selflessness, then it is a false message.  Some good leaders and movements start with great intentions, only to become what they profess to stand against. 

There have always been poor leaders and misguided movements in the world.  The antidote needs to be we the people, who let go of fear and hate to courageously grab hold of a love greater than ourselves.  What is needed is for we the people to reconnect with our true Christian message and mission.  We the people need to reevaluate what we really trust.  We the people need to change the tenor of public discourse.  We the people need to turn off and not click on things that are clearly divisive.  We the people need to value healthy respectful discourse and debate.  We the people need to encounter others with care in person, not blindly on social media.  We the people need to act locally trusting it will affect things globally (the reverse mentality rarely brings positive results).

Despite the apparent, constant negativity we are surrounded by, We the people are actually living in an exciting time.  There is constant opportunity for change, and it always starts in our hearts.  God’s love is constantly at hand.  We have already been blessed with the eternal message and mission.  The question is always and forever, will We the people participate in God’s solution?  I pray that we might.

Today is God’s Present!

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